Top Benefits of Thrifting with a Friend


As an introvert, I enjoy my personal space, time, and energy. This is especially true when I’m doing what I love to do most, thrifting. That’s why I was shocked when I met and befriended a fellow thrifter who has quickly become one of my favorite humans.

I met Elana from TryonThrift one year ago at the inaugural Goodwill Reclaimed Fashion event. We instantly clicked and talked about thrifting, entrepreneurship, and our love for hunting for deals. We remained connected on Instagram and reconnected at the second Reclaimed Fashion event. We planned out first trip to the bins, and the rest is history.

I never thought I’d enjoy thrifting with anyone to be honest. When I shop, I’m in the zone. I keep my mood up, intentions clear, and my eyes open for the best deals. Lucky for me, Elana meets all that and so much more. (This sounds kinda creepy).

Below are (what I believe are) the top benefits of thrifting with a friend. So, if you’re hoping to expand your horizons, share this with your favorite thrifter and go find some deals!

Keep each other energized  

There’s an indescribable joy in finding a designer piece at a great price, but nothing beats being able to share that excitement with someone else. While bad lighting, unpleasant music, and XX can sometimes bring your mood down, being in good company can definitely brighten up the mood. Elana and I applaud even the smallest accomplishments. We cheer each other on by celebrating our finds and recent wins.

Motivate each other

As an entrepreneur, I spend a lot of time on my own and much of my connection to the outside world is through social media. This leads to a lot of comparison and apprehension. I’m constantly evaluating my achievements by comparing them to the rest of my network. By having vulnerable and honesty conversations with a fellow reseller like Elana, I’m reminded that I’m not the only one that goes through emotional rollercoasters.  

Keep each other on track  

If you don’t like accountability partners, this may be your least favorite benefit, but trust me, it’s life-changing for thrift addicts. Whether you went in with a budget, item count, or time limit in mind, a thrifting friend can help you stay on track. A thrifter at the bins can be like a kid in a candy store. Sometimes limits are your friend.

Help each other edit down

One of my favorite things about shopping with Elana is how we help each other edit and finalize our finds. Whether it doesn’t meet our style, expectations, or budget, we're critically honest with each other. We both understand how disappointing it can be to get home to pieces you’re not excited about. By having a second pair of eyes to help you narrow down your choices, you’re sure to leave with items you love.